Permanon Hecta 1 Litre
Permanon Hecta 1 Litre
The special cleaner Hecta was designed for the optimum removal of stubborn contaminants caused by oil, fuel, diesel, algae or other organic contaminants.
Our product Hecta is predestined for the following contaminants:
- oil grease
- waste oil incrustations
- fuel
- fuel residues
- diesel and heating oil contamination
- moss and algae
- any kinds of fats and oils
This highly concentrated, alkaline power cleaner is suitable for the most demanding use. When other cleaners will not remedy the situation Permanon Hecta continues to set new standards in environmentally sound productivity. It has been developed particularly for the external cleaning of motors, transmission, cylinder banks, and mechanical equipment. It is also ideally suited for commercial kitchens, hotels and restaurants where surfaces need to be cleaned, which have been soiled with fats of any kind. Owing to its special properties Permanon Hecta can be effectively applied in many fields of industry and trade
The powerful cleaner Permanon Hecta is also used in spray systems and high pressure cleaning systems, as well as in the following areas:
Boats, yachts, petrol stations, engine washing, facility management, industry, restaurants, hotels, kitchens and in many other areas of application.